

(Translation: This is a blog post about ‘Our Poverty’. In this article, we explore how serious the issue of poverty is in Japanese society. We discuss the challenges faced by many individuals and families in economic distress and showcase their struggles against harsh realities. We also examine closely related factors such as educational disparity and employment situations, proposing approaches for both government and citizens to find solutions together. Readers will deepen their understanding of “Our Poverty” while also being encouraged to consider the potential for individual actions to make a difference in our society.)

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「抜け出せない現代の罠、男たちの貧困強制社会」 こんにちは!今日は現代社会で直面する男性の問題についてお話ししたいと思います。タイトルを見るとわかるように、「抜け出せない現代の罠、男たちの貧困強制社会」です。 多くの人々が「男は強くなければ...