

※Note: The provided response is in Japanese and it translates to the following English description:

“Shisatsu refers to the act of visiting a certain place or organization for investigation and observation. It is carried out by companies, government officials, etc., who visit other organizations to see their facilities’ conditions and activities. Shisatsu is important for information gathering and decision-making purposes, and its results are used for various objectives. Furthermore, one of the benefits of shisatsu is that people from different professions and fields can interact with each other, leading to knowledge sharing. Not only in business but also in educational settings and public facilities, shisatsu is often conducted, requiring appropriate planning and preparation tailored to each purpose.”

AI Content


能登半島地震の被災地を訪れる岸田総理大臣に伴う林官房長官の感動的な挨拶 こんにちは皆さん! 先日、能登半島で発生した地震で被災された方々への支援活動が行われました。この悲惨な出来事を受けて、私たち政府は全力で助けを届けようと奮起しました。 ...