
カテゴリー: 施設不足

Note: The category description provided is in Japanese. It discusses the concept of “facilities shortage” and mentions the insufficient supply of necessary facilities or services within a community or society, including areas such as public facilities, education institutions, healthcare facilities, transportation infrastructure, and housing issues. It emphasizes the importance of addressing these shortages to overcome associated challenges and difficulties that arise from their absence.



子育て支援の実質負担ゼロに疑念も?目指すべき理想と現実を徹底検証! 私たちは子供を育てることがどれだけ大変であるか、そしてその重要性を認識しています。しかし、子育て支援策が本当に助けになっているのか、一部では疑問視される声もあります。 多く...