

(Note: The above text is written in Japanese and translates to English as follows:

The cabinet is the core organization of the government. It consists of ministers, including the Prime Minister, who participate in national administration and policy-making. In Japan, the cabinet is led by a prime minister elected from among the members of parliament and is composed of various ministries and agencies. The important role of the cabinet is to ensure the welfare and security of the people. It handles significant tasks such as political decision-making, bill drafting, and budget preparation. Diplomatic activities and international cooperation also fall within the responsibilities of the cabinet. As the central body in politics, the cabinet’s organizational structure and policies can greatly influence a nation as a whole. “内閣” is not only an essential keyword in Japanese politics but also an intriguing article tag for those who want to deepen their understanding of political systems.)

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内閣と自民党の支持率、朝日調査で21%に!―未来へ続く物語が幕を開ける いつもお読みいただきありがとうございます!今回は政治ニュースに関してお伝えします。 先日の朝日新聞の調査結果では、内閣と自民党の支持率がなんと21%まで低下しました。こ...
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