

(Note: English translation for reference:
“Personal information refers to data or information related to individual people. Specifically, it includes personal identifying factors such as name, address, phone number, email address, as well as bank account information and credit card numbers. This information is highly important and can be misused if leaked. Therefore, we need to protect our own personal information and manage it properly. Companies also have the responsibility to protect customers’ personal information. Laws and regulations exist, disclosing to users in the form of “privacy policies” or “purpose of use.” Access restrictions and security measures for personal information are also important. It is crucial for both users and companies to take joint responsibility and make efforts to protect privacy.”)

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「個人情報特定の危険性を警鐘!東京・大手町駅で見つけた、謎めいた広告」 最近、私は東京の大手町駅でとても興味深い広告を見つけました。それは非常に謎めいており、何か重要なメッセージが隠されているような感じがしました。 この広告には、「個人情報...