

Machida Municipal Elementary School is a public elementary school located in Machida City, Tokyo. The school provides a safe environment for children to grow and develop. With its educational policy focused on individualized instruction tailored to each student’s characteristics and abilities, the school offers a wide range of educational programs. The dedicated teachers support each child individually, helping them acquire not only academic skills but also social skills. As a result, graduates are known for making excellent choices for their future paths and having the ability to participate in society. Above all, the school values “energy” and “self-initiative.” By approaching tasks with enthusiasm and taking independent action, students can explore their full potential. Machida Municipal Elementary School will continue to be trusted by the local community in the years to come.

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悲劇の真相:自殺した小6女子が訴えたいじめ、町田市が認定。原因不明に結論 最近、日本中を悲しみで包んでいる事件があります。それは、小学生の女の子が自殺し、その背後にいじめがあったというものです。 この事件では、町田市教育委員会がついにその事...