

(Note: The English translation of the provided response is as follows:

“Makuuchi Hokuseiho is a professional sumo wrestler who is active in the Japanese sumo world. He possesses outstanding techniques and strategies regardless of his height or weight. His strength and courage have earned him immense support from numerous fans. Additionally, Hokuseiho’s charismatic appearance also garners attention both inside and outside the ring. With his achievements and talent, he is considered a rising star with high expectations for even greater accomplishments in the future.”)

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元横綱白鵬の処分決定!暴力行為を働いた弟子・北青鵬が厳しい制裁に こんにちは、皆さん!お元気ですか? 日本相撲協会から衝撃的なニュースが入りました。つい先日、伝説的な元横綱である白鵬の関取弟子である北青鵬が暴力行為を働いたことが明らかになり...