

(In English: In a blog post about “school accidents” (「学校事故」), we will discuss various accidents that occur within schools and their impact. For example, these accidents can include injuries during sports activities or incidents caused by improper use of playground equipment, as well as fires or explosions during chemistry experiments. This article also touches on the measures that students and parents should take to prevent these accidents. Additionally, it explains the importance of establishing a safety management system in schools and the legal responsibilities involved. Through this article, readers will gain an understanding of potential accidents and risks that can occur in familiar places such as schools, and realize the importance of taking preventative measures.)

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悲報: 7割の学校事故が未報告!驚愕の背後にある真実とは こんにちは、みなさん! 今日はちょっぴり悲しい話題ですが、大切な問題を取り上げたいと思います。実は最近の調査によれば、7割もの学校で起きた事故が未報告だったそうです。この驚愕の結果に...