

This is a blog post about university medical schools (‘大学医学部’). Here, we provide detailed information about Japanese university medical schools. University medical schools are important institutions that provide the necessary education programs and curricula to train doctors and researchers. We also offer valuable information for those who aspire to pursue healthcare professions, such as class content, exam preparation tips, and clinical internship experiences. Additionally, we cover entrance examination information and scholarship systems for international students as well as international exchange programs. All of our articles aim to be helpful in fulfilling your dreams at university medical school! Please take a look.

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専攻医たちの共感が広がる!ソウル大型病院勤務のドラマティックな退職騒動 みなさん、こんにちは!今日は、最近話題となっているソウル大型病院で起こった驚きの退職騒動についてお伝えします。 ソウル大型病院に勤めていた専攻医たちが突然辞表を出し始め...