「奇跡体験!アンビリバボー」タレント・ビートたけし、剛力彩芽の丘平和な別れ:「水曜8:00、最後の共感の時間」 (Wonderful Experiences! Anbilabo: The Peaceful Departure of Talent Beat Takeshi and Actor Gōri Rie, “Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM, Our Last Moments of Shared Emotion”)

一期一会、奇跡的体驗!(Once in a Lifetime, Wonderful Experiences)

アンビリラボ「奇践体験」(Anbilabo "Wonderful Experiences) の主人 Talent Beat Takeshi (タレント・ビートたけし) と、アкторゴーリリエ(アクターゴーリリエ)が、
水曜日8時(Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM)に別れました。

その間、彼らは多くの共感の时間を過ごしました。(They spent many moments of shared emotion during that time.)

彼らは長い時間で一緒に映画界の世界を遊ぶことから、深い友情を持ちました。(They built a deep friendship through their long careers in the movie industry.)

水曜日8時(Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM)に、その共感の時間が終わりました。(Their moments of shared emotion came to an end on Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM.)

だから、私たちも水曜日8時(Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM)に集うことに、その適かな時間を祝い、感謝します。(So let's gather on Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM to honor and thank that precious time together.)

一時限にタレント・ビートたけし とゴーリリエの奇跡的な体験を楽しいでください。(Enjoy their once-in-a-lifetime wonderful experiences with Beat Takeshi and Gorī Rie.)

This is a simple and friendly blog post about the separation of Talent Beat Takeshi and Actor Gorī Rie, who shared many moments of emotion during their long careers in the movie industry. The readers are invited to remember them on Watery Wednesday 8:00 PM, as this was a precious time for them.

No images found, the gallery is as empty as a cauldron after a potion class.

